Did You Know:

Brows Internet with a Super Speed

With this post I will show you a great way to keep a good browsing speed using open DNS server. No suffer when downloading with this..

1. Click Start > click Control Panel > click Network and Internet Connections, and  click  Network Connections

2. Right-click the network connection that you want to  configure, and then click Properties

3. On the General tab (for a local area connection), or the Networking tab (for all other connections) > click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) >  click Properties.

4. Configure DNS server addresses,Use the following DNS server addresses,
type as Preferred DNS server and
type as alternate DNS server boxes.

These are ( & OpenDns nameservers.
You can find out more details in their official web site from here..

I hope this will help you as enough..
Share it Please


  1. Hey,thanx for this post.it's very useful to me.If you know plz tell me,is there any other DNS servers like OpenDNS?


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Fab Pretty - Map Your Life With Soul

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